Este es un mensaje que quiero compartir con ustedes, no se si crean o no en los ángeles, pero no descarten la posibilidad de leer lo que dice el siguiente mensaje, lo tomé de un libro que me regalaron el fin de semana pasado. En este momento estoy abriendo el libro y seleccionando al azar un mensaje, que dice lo siguiente: Pray. Prayer means communing with the Divine through dialogue. It's your method of conveying your hopes, dreams, and wishes to the spirit world, where we angels love to assist you. You don't need to tell us what you desire, for it's apparent to all who are attuned to you. However, Divine decree states that you must give us the signal that you're approachable and amenable to receiving help. That's all we wait for, and then our assistance is yours. Prayer can help you clear the air within yourself during times of confusion or indecision. It's a process of self-reflection and honesty in which you let your guard down and admit your deepest feeling...